“Declare his glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” - Psalm 96:3

Upcoming Missions Trips

We are excited to announce that there are trips lined up for 2024!! We plan to take a group of volunteers to Honduras in June of next year, where we partner with a dear friend, Pastor of Alcoa Maryville COG and former Terretorial Overseer for Church of God World Missions, Paul Dyer. We will get to go into to visit, pray for and worship with the impoverished communities of believers in Roatan Island, as well as present the Gospel to the unbelievers. Then in July we hope to partner with Mike and Kathy Weaver of Hope 4 The Americas, a ministry dedicated to assisting churches, associations, conventions & entities who are committed to becoming partners in engaging lostness which produces Kingdom Fruit.

If you are interested in joining us— please fill out the form below! Can’t wait to hear from you!

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